Who we are

CoHome is a labor of love for two independent professionals, real estate broker, Amy McKenna and mortgage lender, Ruby Grynberg.

In both our professional and personal lives, we saw a yearning for both ingrained community and more affordable housing and at the same time a feeling of helplessness about how to attain both. Recent “traditional” homeownership models are calcified around the concept of a single owner — one person/one married couple,. Despite the fact that different configurations can be just as accessible and sometimes even more beneficial. But when people haven’t seen it modeled, they can’t envision it.

So we began giving presentations; creating tools; cultivating professional connections; collecting resources, and eventually, we created CoHome as a hub where people could learn and connect around everything related to shared ownership and/or communal living. It is the sweet spot where our personal values and professional lives overlap.

If you would like to learn more about us as people or professionals, please read below and feel free to connect!

Amy McKenna
Managing Broker, Windermere Ballard

Amy is equal parts native Seattlite and transplant, and considers herself an educator and matchmaker more than a salesperson. Helping co-buyers create a shared home and investment of their dreams combines her passions for community involvement, financial health, and personal agency.

You can learn more about Amy here.

Please know

that we present CoHome together as a community resource, while in our professional lives we operate separate, independent businesses, working with and recommending many other professionals.

Also, as CoHome we often link to related services and resources, but only as a helpful connection, never an endorsement. We cannot guarantee any other entity’s services and encourage feedback about any resource we may suggest.

Ruby Grynberg
Branch Manager, Salmon Bay Lending

With a background in Social Work, Ruby’s lifetime love of numbers and puzzles lead her into mortgages and in 2006 she started Salmon Bay. A boutique lender with deep roots in the community, Ruby has doubled down on helping people join forces to embark on co-housing adventures, uniting builders, legislators, lenders and community organizers to craft the solutions we need today.

You can learn more about Ruby here.

Contact us

Interested in working together? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly. We can’t wait to hear from you!