Upcoming events

Co-HomeOwnership (virtual talk)
A talk for anyone curious about owning property with others they're not married to:
Friends pooling resources to buy their first home
Families living nearby to share childcare resources
Couples splitting the cost of a vacation home
Colleagues investing in rental properties together
Seniors wanting to age in-place with peer support
Families living intergenerationally to have senior parents nearby
Polycules and other non-traditional households where the old ways of doing things are being re-examined
Groups wanting to create an intentional living community
Learn about : financing considerations, co-buying agreements, ownership structures, and more. Open discussion/Q&A at the end, plus worksheets and more resources.

Co-HomeOwnership Talk (in honor of National CoHousing Open House Weekend)
In celebration of National CoHousing House Week Open House, we will be having an in-person talk on May 3 @ 3pm and May 4 @ Noon @ Salmon Bay Lending’s cozy office in Greenwood: 7919 Greenwood Ave N, Seattle, WA 98103.

Co-HomeOwnership Talk (in honor of National CoHousing Open House Weekend)
In celebration of National CoHousing House Week Open House, we will be having an in-person talk on May 3 @ 3pm and May 4 @ Noon @ Salmon Bay Lending’s cozy office in Greenwood: 7919 Greenwood Ave N, Seattle, WA 98103.
RSVP link coming soon.

Co-HomeOwnership (virtual talk)
A talk for anyone curious about owning property with others they're not married to:
Friends pooling resources to buy their first home
Families living nearby to share childcare resources
Couples splitting the cost of a vacation home
Colleagues investing in rental properties together
Seniors wanting to age in-place with peer support
Families living intergenerationally to have senior parents nearby
Polycules and other non-traditional households where the old ways of doing things are being re-examined
Groups wanting to create an intentional living community
Learn about : financing considerations, co-buying agreements, ownership structures, and more. Open discussion/Q&A at the end, plus worksheets and more resources.

Living in Partnership: Real Estate for the Polyamorous Community
With the “traditional nuclear family” model no longer applying (if it ever really did) to so many households, co-homeownership amongst two or more non-spouses is a growing trend, both for financial and social benefits. Non-monogamous folk can have an even keener interest in the subject and often have a huge advantage as well, having stronger communication skills and experience in negotiating agreements. The talk will be given by a real estate professional and mortgage lender, going over pros & cons; loans (conventional & construction); co-ownership agreements; legal advice; housing configurations and more. Questions and discussions highly encouraged!

Co-Home Ownership
A talk for anyone curious about owning property with others they're not married to:
Friends pooling resources to buy their first home
Families living nearby to share childcare resources
Couples splitting the cost of a vacation home
Colleagues investing in rental properties together
Seniors wanting to age in-place with peer support
Families living intergenerationally to have senior parents nearby
Polycules and other non-traditional households where the old ways of doing things are being re-examined
Groups wanting to create an intentional living community
Learn about : financing considerations, co-buying agreements, ownership structures, and more. Open discussion/Q&A at the end, plus worksheets and more resources.
Register for the event