What Do We Mean by “Co-Homeownership?”

By co-homeownership, we simply mean owning property with any person you’re not married to for any reason, be it a primary home, land, investment — anything. It is a vast, catch-all phrase, encompassing and overlapping with:

  • Co-living

  • Co-housing

  • Co-buying

  • Co-owning

  • Co-op living

Co-homeownership could be relatively common and simple:

  • An unmarried couple buying the condo they’re renting

  • Siblings co-owning property they inherited

  • A married couple and a friend sharing a vacation property that doubles as investment income

  • Polycule members living on adjacent — but financially separate — dwellings.

Or it can be more novel or complex:

  • Four families with children creating a friends compound, sharing childcare and property maintenance.

  • A senior working with an outside company to build a DADU on a little-used backyard. And either selling the property, or retaining it for friends & family or rental income.

  • A married couple looking for affordable housing and community in a walkable area.

  • An unmarried person wanting to stop renting and experience homeownership but not needing a lot of space and preferring to share costs and resources with others through fractional ownership.

Because any co-homeownership structure is made up of the wants, needs, talents, limitations and resources of unique individuals and locations, the permutations are endless. We hope this page is helpful to you in exploring what will be right for you. And please reach out to us with any questions or to get connected.